Thursday, January 6, 2011

LinkedList in C

In my University days, C language was a miserable experience. We were given few assignments and live practical exams. I never learnt the art of debugging as it looked impossible. But yesterday I had to write a simple application on C (Don't ask me why I wanted to get into the nightmare yet again :)).

I started to work on it yesterday night & I was really felt bad. Firstly, I looked for the plugin in Eclipse. There you go.. I downloaded CDT plugin. It was quite a handy to use with its' highlighting feature.
That assignment was all about using the LinkedLists and Queues. I did not use LinkedList in my day-to-day work. But theory was in my mind as clear as a crystal. Thank god it saved few minutes :). So I just searched through the web to see the possible examples on it. I feel C is the best possible language to explain the linkedlist appropriately. Finally I was able to manage to develop the functions on the LinkedList as shown below.

1. Firstly you need to define the struct of that list,

struct ContactInfo {
char name[20];
char contactNo[40];
struct ContactInfo * next;

In this structure you need to keep the required attributes such as name[20], contactNo[40] and finally you need to keep the pointer to the next element in the linkedList. Please refer the for more about LinkedLists.

2. Don't forget to define the type definition at the top,

typedef struct ContactInfo info;

3. Define the 2 pointer for keeping track of the head of the list and next position of the list to be add the new elements.

info *curr, *head;

4. Now let's add a element to the list

addContactsMenu() {
// allocate memory for the new element
curr = (info *) malloc(sizeof(info));

// ask to input the new value from user (for name)
char name[20];
printf("Enter name:\n");
scanf("%s", &name);
strcpy(curr->name, name);

// ask to input the new value from user (for contact number)
char contactNo[40];
printf("Contact Number:\n");
scanf("%s", &contactNo);
strcpy(curr->contactNo, contactNo);

// set the next pointer to the current head element
curr->next = head;
// now head element will be the just added element
head = curr;

5. Traverse through the linkedlist

displayAllContacts() {
int i = 1;
// set the current element to the head element
curr = head;
while (curr) {
printf("------Contact %d--------\n", i++);
printf("Contact Name : %s\n", curr->name);
printf("Contact Number: %s\n", curr->contactNo);
printf("------Contact End--------\n\n");
curr = curr->next;

6. Now let's try to delete an element from the list. It is quite interesting. Here we are trying to delete a particular element, which matches with a given name.

deleteContactMenu() {
info *prev;
char name[20];

// user is asked for a name to delete the element
printf("Phone number Search :\n");
printf("Please Enter the first Name:\n");
scanf("%s", &name);

int flag1 = 0;
int flag2 = 0;
curr = head;
while (curr) {
// string compare function used to match the value
if (strcmp(name, curr->name) == 0) {
printf("Current values are :\n");
printf("Contact Number: %s\n", curr->contactNo);
printf("Contact Category: %s\n", curr->category);
printf("Do you want to delete it: 1. Yes 2. No \n");
scanf("%d", &flag2);
flag1 = 1;
// to keep track of the predecessor of the current element
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
if (flag1 == 0) {
printf("Sorry Contact with that name is not available in the system: \n");

} else if (flag2 == 1) {
// check whether deleted element has a predecessor
if (tmp) {
// check whether deleted element has a point
if (curr->next) {
// swap the pointers, so that predescesor and successor are linked.
// While deleted element does not referred by any other element
tmp->next = curr->next;
curr = curr->next;
} else {
tmp->next = NULL;
} else {
head = curr->next;
printf("That contact was successfully deleted.");


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